Searching by Category list

We want you to get the most out of our platform and find the information that’s most relevant to you as a parent or guardian in youth football. Let’s explore how you can easily navigate our categories to find exactly what you need.
How to Search by Categories There are a few ways to find content on our platform:
- Use the main menu: Navigate through Resources > Top Resources
- Use the search box in the top right corner
- Browse our categories in the right-hand navigation pane when viewing posts and articles
If you ever get lost, just come back to this guide! Remember, while we offer lots of free content, some material is exclusive to our community and club members.
What You’ll Find in Each Category
Academy: Insights from academy managers and industry professionals to help manage expectations about the academy journey.
Articles: Short, to-the-point pieces with helpful videos and links to other resources. Perfect if you prefer visual content over long reads.
Behind the Boots: Full Parent Interviews: These are complete episodes of our parent interviews, packed with valuable experiences (Club and Community members only).
Book Club: Recommended reads to support your football journey, including works by authors featured on our platform.
Development: The “outer game” – everything from nutrition to balancing school and football, all linked to on-pitch performance.
Discounts and Offers: Money-saving opportunities on everything from days out to gym memberships (Club and Community members only).
Education: Perspectives and resources on balancing education and football from experienced educators.
Expert Top Tips (clips): Bite-sized wisdom from industry professionals giving you the real deal on youth football.
Football Business: Essential knowledge for parents of highly talented players, covering agents, sports law, branding, and more.
Girls Football: Content specific to the girls’ game, including interviews with professionals and their parents.
Grassroots: Everything from nurturing passion to understanding scouting and preparing for academy trials.
Next Steps: Support for parents whose children are following non-academy routes, have been released from academies, or are considering careers in or outside of football. We focus on celebrating life skills, exploring wider opportunities, and prioritizing mental health and wellbeing. This category aims to empower parents to guide their children through transitions, whether pursuing pro/semi-pro football or exploring other avenues.
Parent Insights (clips): Short, relatable experiences from other football parents.
Podcasts: Our full-length podcast episodes (Club and Community members only).
Real Sideline Experts: Full Interviews: In-depth conversations with industry professionals. (Club and Community members only).
Resources: A collection of helpful tools and information.
Rules and Regulations: Understanding the formal aspects of youth football.
Season 1 & 2: Podcast: Our podcast episodes organised by season.
Support Services: Information on additional help available to you and your child.
Videos: All our video content in one place.
What’s On: Information about live and virtual events, workshops, and other upcoming activities.
Workshops: Access to the workshop calendar and booking system, covering four main topics:
- The Parent Experience in Youth Football
- Football Business
- Creating Next Steps for Parents of Older Players
- Family and financial wisdom in football