Player Voice

Player Voice (PV), a community interest company, is an organisation that empowers and amplifies the voices of young aspiring footballers and young professional football players. [logo added]

Player Voice is a bridge between players, football organisations, and the wider community, founded by parents and young people involved in football to give players a platform to express their perspectives, influence positive change in their clubs and communities, and advocate for their behalf when needed.

PV has already established projects which address important issues within the game, such as player welfare, diversity, and player-led social impact. By providing a collective voice for players and facilitating dialogue, and conducting research, PV seeks to contribute to the betterment of football and create an environment where players understand their rights and responsibilities during their football journey.


Do you have a young person playing football who wants to make a change on issues that affect them and their sport?

A call out to young people to join the Player Voice Youth Forum in London

Please help us to reach 13 to 19-year-olds who play football regularly, from grass routes to elite academy football, male and female, so they can be part of a London-based Forum to make changes on issues that affect them and their sport.

It’s a simple application process to join the Player Voice Young Persons forum. Apply  HERE


To find out more visit us here:

Visit their website here:




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